Men's Golf 101 1630A

This program is designed for the new male golfer or for golfers
who have not played in a number of years. You will learn everything
you need to know to play your first round of golf. Topics
include: the basics of the golf swing, putting, short game techniques,
rules and etiquette. it is recommended that you do not
go out and buy clubs, as you will be given a static club fitting
which will allow the coach to make a recommendation as to
which clubs to buy. Wellness and nutrition will be also be introduced.
Senior discount not applicable.

 3/25/2025 to 4/22/2025
Meeting Time:
  Tuesday 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
  GC at LO On Site
$149.00 (Class Fee)
10 Seats Available
How many people will be participating?