Chess Openings 2869 CourseCatalog/images/new.gif

Chess Openings is designed for adult students who are familiar with chess basics and tactics and wish to develop a greater understanding of openings through study and practice. This course, combined with Seirawan's book, “will help you develop a solid understanding of opening principles that you can apply to every game you play without having to memorize a dizzying array of tedious and lengthy opening lines.” Taught by PMCA instructor and National Master Jordan Groff, You are guaranteed to improve your game and take your chess-playing ability to the next level. Join us in planning your next move!

Winning Chess Openings by Yasser Seirawan, International Grand Master. It can be purchased online or in class.

 4/9/2025 to 4/23/2025
Meeting Time:
  Wednesday 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  Chess Academy On site
  Jordan Groff
$75.00 (Class Fee)
9 Seats Available
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