Chess Openings - Play the Sicilian 2869 CourseCatalog/images/new.gif

The Sicilian Defense is widely considered one of the most inter￾esting openings in all of chess, but this reputation can also make 
it intimidating for players to learn. In this course, you will learn to
play this opening successfully. We will focus on the Accelerated
Dragon and the Najdorf variations, as well as common “anti-Sicil￾ian” options for White. At the end of each class, you will practice
what you learned in training games with your peers

 12/4/2024 to 12/18/2024
Meeting Time:
  Wednesday 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  Chess Academy On site
  Jordan Groff
$75.00 (Class Fee)
10 Seats Available
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