The Reality of Mortality: Consideration for End of Life 2873H CourseCatalog/images/new.gif

This thought provoking, interactive, practical, and dare I say fun
course will explore various areas around death and dying. You
will become more comfortable discussing end-of life topics
with others, become confident in preparing your own end-oflife
plans. You will learn a brief history around death rituals,
beliefs, and current trends, Advance Directives and other useful
medical end-of-life documents with the opportunity prepare
their own. You will learn about Life Review and how it is valuable
way to make sense of one’s life. You will learn about
Legacy Projects and will explore Ethical Wills as a form of legacy
for others to enjoy for generations to come. Participants will
have the opportunity to explore and plan their own death ritual,
vigil, and end-of-life celebration.

 9/24/2024 to 10/22/2024
Meeting Time:
  Tuesday 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  Hamden High School rm D210
  Amy Lane
$56.00 (Class Fee)
12 Seats Available
How many people will be participating?